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IT & Engineering Staffing Insights

Today's Interview

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Today’s Interview:

Congratulations, you have received an interview request-but the challenging part is yet to come, the interview.  Do your due diligence to be prepared for the interview.  Interview preparation should include research on the company and the leaders of the organization.   Also make sure you understand the role and position you will be successfully filling after nailing your interview.

Everyone knows the common interview questions to be prepared for; tell me about yourself, what’s your ideal career path, explain your most recent role.  But more often in today’s workplace there are interview questions that dig deeper-questions that elicit a thought provoking response.  Organizations today want to know that you can complete the scope of work outlined in the job description but also, sometimes more importantly, that your background and personality will match the organization’s culture.  According to TechRepublic here are the questions to watch for in today’s interviews;

  • How’s your stamina?
  • How hard have you been working in your current role?
  • How do you react to being told “No”?
  • Can you handle telling other people “No”?
  • How good are you at actually handling change?
  • When conflict arises on your team, how do you handle it?
  • What have the last few years taught you?
  • What type of people do you prefer to work with?
  • How do you stay current?
  • How would you describe your “perfect” job?
  • If you could take back one career decision-what would it be and why?


Be prepared for your interview-do the research, expect the questions, and have confidence in yourself and the job is yours.