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The Rise of Mobile Development

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The Rise of Mobile Development


I remember when I got my first cell phone.  It was 2002 and I used it simply to call my parents when I needed them to pick me up after volleyball practice. I was one of the first kids in my class to have one and I was in junior high.

Today it seems most grade school aged children have their own mobile device. When I was in high school texting was on the rise and I became inseparable from my cell phone.  In college I got my first smart phone and my life changed. Today I own the iPhone5. I can access everything I need straight from my mobile device. I check social media sites, pay bills, review work emails, play games, etc. The evolution of mobile devices has been incredibly impressive the past 10 years. 

According to recent news articles it appears that with the expansion of mobile applications, desktop computers could become a thing of the past. So imagine what the next 10 years could bring?

As a recruiter, my advice for developers is to get their feet wet with mobile development. The potential in the future for an experienced mobile developer could be huge.

This video demonstrates what the future could bring for all of us.