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IT & Engineering Staffing Insights

Standing out in a Crowd

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In today’s job market it’s not always easy to make yourself stand out from other applicants. There seems to be more and more over qualified people applying for a job they have more than enough experience and knowledge to do but that’s not always the best way to approach your new search. I stumbled upon an article this week that gave a couple great points about standing out.

Here is the short and quick of it

  1. Find a new expertise –  stay true to your skills but evolve with the market into an up and comer in your industry
  2. Don’t sell yourself short- if you find yourself without a job, don’t let yourself to take a position that is beneath your skill set. This position might be a temporary fill but could cause you to fall backwards and not be able to get back into the kind of work you love.  This will also lead an employer to question if you’re actually capable of doing the original job that didn’t work out.
  3. Make yourself irreplaceable – take a core competency like systems analyst and specialize to be a financial systems analyst. Not only will you be able to do a normal systems analyst job but you can go into more specialized work in the financial industry.

With any new search there is always a little uncertainty but these few tips should make your search a little easier to set yourself apart from other applicants.