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IT & Engineering Staffing Insights

To playing it smart in 2014!

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Happy 2014

As the New Year is ushered in, I’m excited to see what 2014 brings. Anchor Point has seen a tremendous surge in our business over the course of the last two months. We have opportunities flowing into fill faster than we are capable of filling them. Yes, this is a great problem to have!

After doing our 2013 reviews, I’ve found myself looking at the business in a different way. I’m prepared to tackle anything that comes my way this year. What makes this year different than the rest? Anchor Point has invested in analytics software (Business Intelligence) that always us to evaluate our own performance year over year. I’ve taken a liking to Business Intelligence recruiting and having capability to use what so many of our clients use to project and adjust attention during trends is critical.  Going into this year, I have that same advantage. We have had the tool now for over a year which really gives us legitimate insight into the trends and the rapid change of our business.

Prior years have been a little more of crapshoot regarding individual projections. I’ve got some aggressive numbers and goals that I’ve set for myself. Having the analytics mentioned above gives me not only the insight but the advantage of keeping focused by seeing what time periods I may have fallen down, and giving me the opportunity to improve. If there was ever a chance to capitalize, now is the time and I’m looking forward to it!

Wishing you a happy 2014!