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IT & Engineering Staffing Insights

Just Listen

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Recently, I started watching TED talks and they are awesome. If you aren’t familiar, they are short, captivating and usually motivating speeches. Their slogan is “ideas worth spreading”. The most recent TED talk surrounded the idea that you never realized there was a problem because you never asked. My biggest take away was to stop and listen. When someone shares why they are looking for a new position, truly listen to what they have to say. When you really understand someone’s pain-point you might not be able to help them today but I can reach out when I have a position that solves the problem. Many times we assume we know what’s best for someone but unless we really understand, it’s not going to the right fit. This applies to more than just recruiting. Listening to someone’s problem should be the first step in helping find a solution.


Here’s the link to the TED talk